
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sign on the Dotted Line...

#3  Publishing Process
This is a re-post from a post done on 2/1/10. I am reposting to share the publishing process as I come closer to the completion and release of my upcoming book. It has been a long road but I am sure it will be worthwhile. Sharing with everyone already has been a great experience. 

                                                     February 1, 2010

So it is official for me today. I signed the contract to start my book and sent it to Marian. I am so excited to work with her and her team. This has been dream and now it is coming true. I am terrified at what this all entails but I am up for the challenge. When things seem hard, push through it with all your might. 

I am shy by nature, but I don’t want my kids to feel that way so I hold myself high. I am learning to be more assertive.  I (along with so many I am sure) am not comfortable, yet, speaking in front of adults. The more I do it, the more comfortable I get.  I put on my Sure deodorant and I don’t let em' see me sweat.  I might pass out in the process! 

I don’t have a problem in front of kids though. That doesn’t scare me. The kids are naturally accepting. They are naive to the fears of adults.  They want to be entertained and I usually know how to do that. The younger the better. Also, if I feel strongly about what I am talking about, I am obviously much more confident.
So now I am waiting for my “Project Manager”, Kris,  to call and set up an appointment to EDIT! My work is PERFECT so there won’t be much editing to be done (sarcasm). I AM KIDDING. She can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn’t change the premise and feeling of the story. I am not a perfect writer. I am the creative force that has BIG ideas generally with a scattered plan to carry them out. We creative folk irritate the organized people. I’ve been told. 

I have actually been diligently planning with my husband about how to market my book. We shall see what happens. I certainly hope they sell. I have accomplished impressing my family and some friends with my stories. I have a publisher who believes in them. I will have a book to show for it. Next, step is to make them sell. Prayers and begging might help. 
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.
Author: John Ford

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Publishing Process#2

#2  Publishing Process
This is a re-post from a post done on 1/28/10. I am reposting to share the publishing process as I come closer to the completion and release of my upcoming book. It has been a long road but I am sure it will be worthwhile. Sharing with everyone already has been a great experience. 

So on Monday the 25th, I was full of excitement and I was anxious for what was to come. We had our next meeting with Marian to talk about the contract. I wasn’t nervous to talk to her. I was nervous about what comes next. At this meeting, she presented the contract and we talked about some details about the process. I needed to know if she was on board with Flip Side Stories. See I feel strongly that this is a great series to teach a number of things. First, Flip Side encourages readers to look at two sides to a story or situation. This can create a proactive approach to our reactions to things before they happen or as they are happening. My husband and I were driving to the meeting and a car cut us off. Our first reaction was to get mad, maybe even “Flip” them off. Hmm. We laughed and my husband said, “We shouldn’t flip them off. Just look at the flip side.” Maybe they were speeding to the hospital. Who knows? See what it has already done to us. 
In looking at the flip side and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can create empathy for that person or thing. Empathy is the act of understanding and entering into another's feelings. Sympathy is different. It is sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish) and generally wanting to do something to help.  Empathy is actually a deeper sense of emotion.   An actor can sometimes play an empathetic role where they genuinely feel the part they are playing. Many actors will research their role in order to achieve this. Another example is a Doctor. A doctor can feel sympathy and understand a patient’s illness and help them, but they may not actually feel their distress or pain. Someone who is empathetic has had that experience and truly feels for that person such as a cancer support group understanding what it is like to go through radiation. 
In my story, Victor, most of us have not been homeless, so we can not actually feel what it is like to live on the street but we have been lonely, hungry and dirty. Those experiences cause us to feel their pain. These feelings make us want to help but more so to be kinder and more patient.  
Aside from Flip Side and empathy are other lessons like how to treat an animal, understanding the homeless, what it’s like to lose something and the difference you can make by giving.  My books have layers of teaching for young and old alike.  Well, fortunately, Marian is on board. I don’t think she knows all that I am thinking but she will, I suppose. This is along her lines anyway. I think it will be a team effort. I count on her to know what will work and what won’t. My books will have Flip Side Stories/Series on them from the start. 
After all the numbers were laid out, my "agent" husband, wanted to go home and discuss it. NOT ME! I wanted to sign right then and there. Needless to say, off we went home. Still in limbo. So we’ve been discussing things and I think we are about ready to sign.  Today or tomorrow, I think we will be sending her the contract. NOW, I say. ugh. Again waiting patiently impatiently. 
“You cannot put the same shoe on every foot. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

KTPC (keep the parents clueless)

Hey Cindy, you are a "big tickle". I had a "blast" at the "bash". Though Charlie made me "go ape" when he pushed me into the "drink". Then he asked me to a "flick". "Unreal". 

That party was a "gas"! That pool was "bad". I'd be "bummed out" too if I got thrown in. Charlie is such a "greaser". His friend was "groovy". On the way home, I saw a "padiddle" and I gave him a kiss. He saw a "slug bug" and punched me. "Groovy". Then a "pig" pulled us over. He was "solid" though. He let us "boogie."

Hey "Bean!" Found out Charlie is the "real deal". I'll still need the "skinny" on him. "Dig"? "Do me a solid" and give the "dude" a chance. I'll also "clue you in" about the next party. "Be there or be square"! You know the party at the beach?  "Ice it".  Bob "bagged" me. That "cat" can just "D.D.T". He still wants to "hang". IYD (in your dreams). "Peace Out"! Nanoo nanoo

Excellent "Betty"! "Like" I did hear Charlie was "legit". That "dude" had "like" a "radical" jacket. It was the "bomb".  His "homeboy", well, "like" "gag me". A bit of an "airhead" too. That "dude's" "ride" was "like" "narly", too. I'd "chill" with him "for sure". "Like" he told me I was "fly". How "stupid" is that? "Totally" "tubular"! Let's "veg" later. 

"Sup" girl. Yeah, his friend is a "dog". He has a "chica" who thinks she "all that". She is so "ghetto". He's "hooked" her up with some "sweet" "ice" though. It's "hella" nice "bling". I think he's a "playa". He thinks he's "the bomb". "OMG", he's whacked". He asked me out. I told him "not so much".  He thought that was "tight". "As if." "it's all good." "Peace out!"

Hey "GF"! WUU2?  IMO, her outfit was so "janky". Lol. She'd "prolly"  "go postal" on you if she knew. WTH. She's got "back". So "J-Lo". LMAO. Did you find out about the party at Jen's "crib"? Last one was "Uber" fun.  "KTPC". "BTW", 10x 4 the "pics". "MOS". She has "NAC". "OMG" "PIR". "SEC". "TTYL" "CYA". 

So there you go. How do we keep up? We all thought we'd stay cool and hip. Keep up with the times. I think that part of our brain changes. The shows we watched that our parents hated are the same shows our kids are watching now that we are beginning (or already) can't stand. 

I decided to write this because I was with a middle school girl who was texting her mom (and much faster than her mom I must say) and when she got her mom's text, she looked at it quizzically. I asked her what it said. I am good friends with her mom. Her mom had ended the text with LOL. Which we all know is Laugh Out Loud. Or is it?  I told her to text her back and ask her what it meant. She said "Love You Lots."  Funny. I suppose it depends who is texting and maybe, how old? We both laughed. I thought, what if I texted her one day saying, " I fell in the mud, LOL."  She would swell with the thought that I was sending her so much love when actually I was just laughing out loud. 

It is really a dual language. We all see what we want to see. Be careful though, it may be something totally different than you think. It may be wise to check up on some of the words or symbols being used. Even better, keep track of your child's computer time and make sure they know that you are a POMS (parent over my shoulder) or PITR (parent in the room). 

It is our job to guide them and teach them what is appropriate and acceptable especially with cyber-bullying on the rise. There is "i am just joking" when it comes to saying mean things. I tell my kids that Housey's DON"T talk that way, even joking. Even if you are joking, the receiver of it may not take it that way. I teach my kids to be role models of kindness, hard work and acceptance.

I put all of the slang words in quotes so you knew which ones they were. Some have traveled over the generations. Some kids may think they started them but they may have come from good ol' Richie Cunningham. 

GF- girlfriend
WUU2- what you up to
IMO- in my opinion
Janky- Unpleasant
LOL- laugh out loud 
prolly- probably
WTH- what the heck/hell
back- big butt
J-LO- big butt
LMAO-laughing my a#@ off
Uber- ultimate
KTPC-keep the parents clueless
BTW-by the way
10x-thanks (tenx)
MOS-mom over shoulder
NAC-not a clue
OMG- oh my gosh
PIR-parents in room
sec- hold a second
TTYL-talk to you later
CYA- see ya

Friday, June 17, 2011

Journey to Publishing #1

#1  Publishing Process
This is a re-post from a post done on 1/12/10. I am reposting to share the publishing process as I come closer to the completion and release of my upcoming book. It has been a long road but I am sure it will be worthwhile. Sharing with everyone already has been a great experience. 

I have spent many years writing poetry and stories. I have dreamed of publishing one or more of my stories so I can share them everyone. I have always been afraid to take the next step to have them published. It seemed too daunting of a task for me. I like to take the creative road in life. (You know, the one lined with crayon fences, watercolor skies and chalkboard roads?)
 I don’t care for the business side of things. (You know, the ones lined with written in stone walls, paperwork trails and and stormy relationships.) 
Even while teaching, I love interacting, inspiring and taking care of my students. I did not like the paperwork and administrative things that went along with it. It’s not that I don’t like or respect hard work because I think I have great work ethic. My parents taught me that. Nothing is free and work hard for what you have or want or need. I just like to live life to the fullest, too. I like to stop and smell the flowers and appreciate the beauty of things. 
I have read books and websites about how to publish a story and I did not know where to begin. I even tried to find people to do it for me. I always felt guilty, though because I felt that I should do the legwork to have it published. I also think I was afraid no one would like my stories. I tried to tell myself that if they don’t like them, send them to someone else. Fear of the unknown placed my stories back into the manila folder deep in my file cabinet only to be shared with a curious friend or family member.
Then, I found out a friend of mine from highschoool, Michael D. Scott,   published his first book. This was my chance to find out what it takes to get published and pick his brain. I also wanted to show my excitement for the accomplishment of a fellow writer and friend. 
I shared my stories with him. He liked my stories enough to tell his publisher to at least take a look at them. Now I was really nervous. When I spoke to his publisher, Marian, on the phone, quite frankly, I thought I would technicolor yawn right then and there. It felt like an interview. She said, "You do know that even though I am looking at your stories, it doesn't mean I will publish it." Ugh. Ouch. "Yes, yes, of course." I can take rejection...on the phone. When I hang up, a whole other story. Wahhhh.
Now my agent, financial advisor and husband all in one (who occasionally refers to himself as “the driver”) went into business mode. “Don’t trust anyone. We must get your books Copyrighted and your ideas Trademarked before you send them.” See, I trust everyone and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. That is how you get burned. So off to the lawyer. Shelled out some money and protected my books and ideas.
Now I could send her my stuff. I sent it fearing I didn’t format it right. Is this school all over again? Oooh, this is what they were saying in school, “when you get out in the real world, you need to know this stuff.” Sure we thought. Heh, heh. Sorry Mrs. Stephan.
All manuscripts should be formatted as follows:
  • 12 point, Times New Roman (I like fancier font-not business-like)
  • Double spaced
  • A header which includes the following: Title/AuthorName/Word Count and Page # (Ooo, is that the title I want or that she’ll like? Word count? Just the story or the title too or everything on the page? Darn it, how do I get the page number on again?)
  • A Microsoft Word document (Great, I have an IMac. Will she be able to open it?)
There, done. Press send....uhhhh... is it right? 1, 2, 3 , send! Its out there in cyber space. It’s speeding through cyber space at the speed of light. Within 30 seconds she'll have it. And then- an email from her! Already? Oh gosh. What would she have to say already? Open. She couldn’t open it. Ugh. Now what? So after a couple of attempts, it worked. Then....nothing for weeks. Torture. My husband asked me if I was expecting a “Ralphie” moment from The Christmas Story. “Oh, the theme I have been waiting for all my life. Listen to this sentence.... Poetry! Scheer poetry! Ralphie, A+++++ “ Well, maybe, ok, I was hoping for the "Ralphie" moment. You know what? That is what your family is for, right? “Oh, honey, it’s brilliant...” “Mooommmy, your the best.”
BTW- Ralphie is good looking now. 
So I waited patiently impatiently and soon the email came... the one I had been waiting for...the email saying, “We are sooo sorry we kept you waiting. Brilliant! We need you to publish your book with us!” Um, that's not what it said. She wanted to see a couple more stories in the series. Ugh. So, I sent her two more. She wanted one more but I didn’t know which one would she like best? I sent them both. And waited. Again, no “Ralphie” moment.
Finally, I heard from Marian. She wanted to have a meeting about my stories, specifically Just Because. She took the one with the heavier tone. It is a tear jerker. At least for me it is. Now my nerves are racing again. 
My husband, Paul, went to the first meeting.  It was a very comfortable meeting. We found that we all had so much in common. We share many of the same values and life expectations. We hit it off famously. I feel like this is where I should be. Nelson Publishing and Marketing has high standards and a commitment to their authors. Marian seems like a sincere and passionate woman. She has a mission in life to make a difference. My husband, Paul and I left with a feeling that this is the right place. This meeting was meant to see if we were a fit with the philosophy of Nelson Publishing. It didn’t take long to figure that out. We have a date for the 25 of January to talk about the contract and next steps. I don’t have a grasp on it yet but I am going to go with the flow. I do believe God has a plan for me and my books. I am going to flow with it and not get disappointed if it doesn’t go my way and wait for the other way.
Can you believe it has been a year and half now? Good things come to those who wait.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. “

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who's Boots.

Click here.

Every shoe has tongue,
They all have a sole.
Every shoe has a heart
And a story to be told.

No matter what they look like
Whether old or new,
They are all quite different
Every single shoe.

Take the time to learn
What they have to say.
You may make a friend.
On that very day.

Here's a shoe from afar.
It serves our country well.
We all salute the uniform.
The stories they can tell.

These army boots are found in a thrift store in my book, Just Because. They belong to someone named John who is the brother of a good friend of mine. He is a reserve soldier who has been to Irac multiple times. He flies helicopters. His job is to rescue injured soldiers from behind enemy lines among other jobs. John and his brother Michael work together as builders when he is home. They have helped us with many projects around our house. John is a man of few words and a kind man. His story inspired me to write a Flip Side Story about him from his point of view and the point of view of my children. It is called Letters to a Soldier. One side is that of one of my children questioning where John went and how he can write to him to let him know we are thinking about him. The other side is that of John and how he appreciates the letters and how the letters help the wounded soldiers.

When I spoke to John last, I told him about the story. I picked his brain a little further to find out if my story was accurate. I wondered if the soldiers actually appreciate the letters and gifts they receive. He told me that they do love getting letters but the injured soldiers he rescues appreciate the correspondence the most because they are in the hospital alone with no communication with home and the letters are a connection to home. It boosts their moral. John's courage to serve our country was an inspiration for me to help children understand the value of reaching out and supporting our troops. My own brother is a retired Naval Officer and is also an inspiration to me.

Soldiers Angels does just that. They are an organization that has a letter writing campaign for our troops. Visit 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amber's Art

Drew Bad Kitty and friends for my daughter the other day.

While helping my son with homework, I drew the monkeys from his worksheet.

When I was teaching, I would draw pictures from the kid's shirts at indoor recess. They would sit and watch.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Try Walking in These Shoes

Click picture to learn more!

Every shoe has tongue,
They all have a sole.
Every shoe has a heart
And a story to be told.

No matter what they look like
Whether old or new,
They are all quite different
Every single shoe.

Take the time to learn
What they have to say.
You may make a friend.
On that very day.

Here's a shoe to ponder.
Someone you often hear.
We think she is a wild one.
Some may even fear .

She is left-handed and began learning to play piano aged four, went on to write her first piano ballad at 13 and began performing at open mike nights by age 14. She was raised a Roman Catholic. At the age of 11, she attended Convent of the Sacred Heart, a private all-girls Roman Catholic school on Manhattan'sUpper East Side, but has stressed that she does not come from a wealthy background, saying that her parents "both came from lower-class families, so we've worked for everything—my mother worked eight to eight out of the house, in telecommunications, and so did my father." She encourages self-empowerment and self-acceptance. She has a mission to help people who feel disenfranchised, who feel like freaks or don't fit in. She also appears to be a wild card...or is it just unique and free to be herself. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Read to Write

Sketches I do for my kids.
Everyone always asks how I started to write children's books. Though my career as an author is just beginning, I have many stories written already. Many of them are Flip Side Side Stories but there are a few random stories. They have all emerged from a chrysalis of experiences.

One of the most inspirational aspects of my interest in writing children's has come from a love of reading children's books. I have well over 500 books in my house. I collected them before, during and now after teaching. My husband appreciates all of the books we have because they have inspired our own children to love to read but it baffles him when the book order comes home and I continue to buy more. I am very selective. I am always attracted to the cover first. I won't pick it up unless the cover attracts me. I love art and I draw and i know what appeals to me and even more important, I KNOW what children like. I also know what I like to read to children. It has to flow.  One of my favorites is Hubert, the Caterpillar who thought he was a mustache. So clever and cute. Tickles the funny bone. I love all kinds of stories.

I learned what my style was by reading. I learned what kids like by reading to them. I learned what parents and teachers like to read to kids by asking what they like. After reading so many, I realized where the needs were for new ideas. Most of all my writing comes from a passion to teach children and reach children in a fun way where they don't realize they are learning.

I am going to start adding some books on my blog that I want to share with you. I would like to also introduce you to some authors I know and some I have recently met and some I hope to meet.  Along the left side of my blog are links to some of those authors and their books. I hope you'll take a peek. If you would like to have your book on my blog, please follow my blog, let me know and I will share it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Walk in Someone's Shoes Wednesday

Every shoe has tongue,
They all have a sole.
Every shoe has a heart
And a story to be told.

Click the Shoes to find out who it is.
No matter what they look like
Whether old or new,
They are all quite different
Every single shoe.

Take the time to learn
What they have to say.
You may make a friend.
On that very day.

Here's a shoe to ponder.
Someone you know well.
We think he is so funny.
The jokes he likes to tell .

“You look at the floor and see the floor. I look at the floor and see molecules."

He was born on Dominion Day at the Ottawa General Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He was diagnosed with tourette's and asperger syndromes at an early age, but the symptoms seem to have disappeared when he was around 14. The diagnosis of Asperger syndrome did not exist in the 1960s, when he was a preteen. It involved mostly grunting and physical tics through nervousness.