
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Beat Goes On

I had another meeting with Kris this past Friday. We worked on another edit. I managed to send the wrong revise (which was no revise) to Kris the last time. She thought I didn’t want to make any changes. Actually, I think she gave me the benefit of the doubt. I have no idea how or what I sent her. I did make the changes. She had Ryan, the musician, look over the manuscript and look at the cadence. There were still a couple of areas that needed tweeking. ugh. I don’t mind but sometimes you don’t hear it the same and I march to my own beat. We worked it out.  I enjoyed this session as much as the last. This is fun to me. I LOVE it. Still feeling impatient about the illustrator. Today, Marian and Kris wanted me to look at a number of illustrators and decide what style and look or feel I would like for my book. I may have said that I can draw and part of me wants to but when I sit down to do it, it’s like laundry.  Too tedious and mundane. I love to draw but I don’t like to force it. I draw when inspiration hits. I am looking forward to seeing my book come alive by the hand of another artist. That is exciting. I have found a number of illustrators I love. I sent (too many) to Kris. She may kill me. I always say, “It can’t hurt to try.” Only one can illustrate my book and I don’t know which one it is, so send them all. It may be none of them though. They just want an idea. They have a pool of illustrators they can draw from (no pun intended).  Seems I am drawn (again, no pun) to computer generated art for this particular project. You have a feel for the story and what it should look like. Other stories I have written have a different feel and I’ve seen other artists for those. 
Kris and I meet again on Friday. Can’t wait. We will lay out the pages of the book next. The excitement builds.

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