
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Construction Zone

Don't let the peaceful beauty of this picture deceive you.
That deck was violent. :)

You've saved some money, or not, to do this fabulous project on your house. A new kitchen (been there), a new bathroom (friends doing that now), 
an addition (friends contemplating that) or a new patio (under construction now) to name a few. We excitedly saved some money and decided to finally rip out our splinter producing deck 
(or tear-producer) and put in something that doesn't require a needle by the back door for removing wood spears from the bottoms of little and big feet or that doesn't send unsuspecting family or friends through it, chair and all (happened and she thought she had been drinking too much).
See the tractor on the grass...oh, not grass, hay and dirt. :(

We started the process in, um, MARCH! Ok, so it was the planning and drawing part. The project would start in April so we could enjoy it in the summer (novel idea). Well, then came the rain (the kind that might have carried away Noah and his ark and quite frankly,  I wish our deck too). Then it was put off by catching up on their other projects delayed by the rain. 

Then, summer quickly approached, school was ending and we had family coming in town to stay with us in July. You think there was any chance it would be done before that. Notta chance. Our guests were able to enjoy looking at a grassless, dusty, deckless yard with the added benefit of loud machinery and strangers roaming around in front of the windows. Which also means you must put clothes on before your morning coffee. Ugh. Oh, I forgot the darling dogs who are enjoying rolling around in the dirt filled yard. Our black one looks like a ghost dog. I said I didn't want to live on a farm.

So, here we are, late July and not even half-way done. What is done, looks fabulous. But, what isn't done, looks like a war zone. Betcha didn't know we have land mines in our yard. That's what it looks like. Oh, and the smell of rotting grass smells like hot garbage (or again, a dang farm). 

See the ground outside the patio. That would be what my
yard looks like now and smells like a farm.

The key to construction is add 1/3 to the initial quote and double the time you think it will take and multiply it by two. Similar to taking care of someone in the hospital, you have to make sure you know the plans, watch the plans and be present during the project. We have found that a board room (or I should say a brick room) is necessary to communicate with the designer, the foreman, us and the actual workers because it is like playing the childhood game of "telephone" trying to relay what the actual plan is through the chain of command. You start with "lattice design" and end with "mashed potatoes". What? How do you put a patio table on mashed potatoes? 

So, the process continues. They are out there today busting it out. One of the guys said to us this morning, "I'll wish you a Merry Christmas when it's done." Very funny. Maybe "Happy Halloween." Ugh. A lot is getting done today while I bring them lemonade and gatorade. It is so hot out there. I am a wimp. I'll get them some food soon. Hey, I wouldn't want that job and I think it can be a thankless one. We have to take care of them. 

I will share more progress as it becomes available. Mind you, there may be snow on it when its done. :)


  1. Add a cow, a horse, a few goats and chickens. Now it smells like a farm. So, is this your first comment?

  2. For this post, yes. Thanks for commenting. I love the feedback and interaction! :) I'll check out your blog.


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