
Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween on the Flip Side (revised)

A Kid and Parent's Halloween Point of View

It's creepy things that lurk and hide.
It's scary movies where things die.

Halloween is month long fun?
Not for me, but for my son.

It's witches, goblins, ghosts and ghouls.

It's dressing up and going to school.


It's choosing costumes months ahead
Changing minds, "I want this instead."

It's corny mazes and the pumpkin patch.
It's creaky doors with a latch.

They pick their pumpkins, 20 per?
I hand my cash right to her.
Carving's watch, you see,
All the work is done by me.

Haunted houses, fear is fun.
Haunted forest where you must run.

I thought that i-- had outgrown
Haunted houses that creak and moan. 
They make me go out of fear
They think it safe if I am near.

Parties made for dressing up.
Grab a costume to put on pup.

It's all the parties that I will drive,
I used to go to four or five.
I went out and had MY fun
Drop them off and now I'm done. 

House to house we use our feet.
For Trick or Treating can't be beat.
And then... we eat and eat and eat and eat.


House-- to-- house--we-- use-- our-- feet.
Trick or treating up the street.
All the candy to rot their teeth
It's the dentist, we bequeath.

I say all this, I do complain.
But I love it all just the same.

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