
Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Night Before Christmas

So I was seeing what inspiration Randy Gage had for me today. He had a contest going to finish the classic Christmas poem The Night Before Christmas. I love to write poetry to challenge on. In about 15 minutes I finished my poem and here it is. The beginning is Randy's intro and mine is in green. 
The Night Before Christmas, 2011…by Randy Gage
The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.
T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo; Amber Housey
When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
I sprang from my bed when out of the blue,
I heard chatting and clicking, oh what a buzz
I ran to the window to see what it was.
The moon on the snow made clear what I saw.
I blinked and I squinted and looked out in awe.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear
All kinds of people from far and from near.
There on the lawn all gathered together
Were people not minding the cold winter weather.
Making their plans and creating their missions.
To make the world better, it was their visions.
I knew in a moment, they made it quite clear
They were the ones to spread the good cheer.
The writers, the authors, the bloggers came too.
The speakers, the marchers, the leaders, that’s who.
They stood on the doorsteps, they stood in the street.
They typed and they spoke of their feat of all feats.
To make the world better and fix it ourselves
Be kind to each other, we’ll be the elves.
So up through the wires, through speakers and phones,
They spread inspirations in all the times zones.
And then in a chime, on my Apple I heard.
A message popped up with chirp like a bird.
As I sat in my chair and opened my mail.
The message popped up and the wind filled my sail.
It was filled with such hope and jolly good cheer.
I wanted to know, I wanted to hear.
I read it out loud, I read it again and again.
Now I had a mission that I had to send.
I laughed while I wrote it, in spite of my doubt.
I wrote out my mission and then gave out a shout.
With a wink of my eye and twist of my head,
I knew in a moment, i’d nothing to dread.
Inspire the world to see what is good,
We can’t fix it all, I wish that we could.
Let’s work together to love one and all.
Help out our neighbor and beckon the call.
Nurture the world in this new year,
And love one another without any fear.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to one and all from Flip Side Stories-where seeing another point of view makes a better you!

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