Hi Everyone,
Do me a huge favor. Go to http://www.facebook.com/flipsidestories and click the "like" button. I want to see if I can reach 1000 Flipsiders by 2012. I need less than 100. It isn't looking good at this point. With your help I might be able to do it.
I will giveaway a signed copy of my book to a lucky Flipsider on New Years Day! Go NOW!
Thanks. :)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Night Before Christmas
So I was seeing what inspiration Randy Gage had for me today. He had a contest going to finish the classic Christmas poem The Night Before Christmas. I love to write poetry to challenge on. In about 15 minutes I finished my poem and here it is. The beginning is Randy's intro and mine is in green.
The Night Before Christmas, 2011…by Randy Gage
The economy was tanking and things were a mess.The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.
T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
Conclusion...by Amber Housey
When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;I sprang from my bed when out of the blue,
I heard chatting and clicking, oh what a buzz
I ran to the window to see what it was.
I heard chatting and clicking, oh what a buzz
I ran to the window to see what it was.
The moon on the snow made clear what I saw.
I blinked and I squinted and looked out in awe.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear
All kinds of people from far and from near.
I blinked and I squinted and looked out in awe.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear
All kinds of people from far and from near.
There on the lawn all gathered together
Were people not minding the cold winter weather.
Making their plans and creating their missions.
To make the world better, it was their visions.
Were people not minding the cold winter weather.
Making their plans and creating their missions.
To make the world better, it was their visions.
I knew in a moment, they made it quite clear
They were the ones to spread the good cheer.
The writers, the authors, the bloggers came too.
The speakers, the marchers, the leaders, that’s who.
They were the ones to spread the good cheer.
The writers, the authors, the bloggers came too.
The speakers, the marchers, the leaders, that’s who.
They stood on the doorsteps, they stood in the street.
They typed and they spoke of their feat of all feats.
To make the world better and fix it ourselves
Be kind to each other, we’ll be the elves.
They typed and they spoke of their feat of all feats.
To make the world better and fix it ourselves
Be kind to each other, we’ll be the elves.
So up through the wires, through speakers and phones,
They spread inspirations in all the times zones.
And then in a chime, on my Apple I heard.
A message popped up with chirp like a bird.
They spread inspirations in all the times zones.
And then in a chime, on my Apple I heard.
A message popped up with chirp like a bird.
As I sat in my chair and opened my mail.
The message popped up and the wind filled my sail.
It was filled with such hope and jolly good cheer.
I wanted to know, I wanted to hear.
The message popped up and the wind filled my sail.
It was filled with such hope and jolly good cheer.
I wanted to know, I wanted to hear.
I read it out loud, I read it again and again.
Now I had a mission that I had to send.
I laughed while I wrote it, in spite of my doubt.
I wrote out my mission and then gave out a shout.
Now I had a mission that I had to send.
I laughed while I wrote it, in spite of my doubt.
I wrote out my mission and then gave out a shout.
With a wink of my eye and twist of my head,
I knew in a moment, i’d nothing to dread.
Inspire the world to see what is good,
We can’t fix it all, I wish that we could.
I knew in a moment, i’d nothing to dread.
Inspire the world to see what is good,
We can’t fix it all, I wish that we could.
Let’s work together to love one and all.
Help out our neighbor and beckon the call.
Nurture the world in this new year,
And love one another without any fear.
Help out our neighbor and beckon the call.
Nurture the world in this new year,
And love one another without any fear.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to one and all from Flip Side Stories-where seeing another point of view makes a better you!http://www.facebook.com/flipsidestories
Thursday, December 22, 2011
On the 4th Day Before... I Got Real
Read and leave a comment where your visiting from and I'll visit and follow you wherever you are!
No, it's not my birthday but if it was, I'm 21! (wink) |
I realized today that I am thinking too hard about this and working too hard at it. It's ok to be open to those perfect opportunities to be nice to someone or help someone. It's ok to proactively seek out or create opportunities to spread kindness. But it's also ok if it just doesn't present itself plainly or at all.

I was feeling guilty not having something to share, some inspiration. Hey, that's ok. That's real. Be real. I actually had a pretty crappy day yesterday (at least half the day). Not as crappy as some, I am sure but in my moment in time and space, it, quite frankly SUCKED!

Let's back up a moment to 2 days earlier...
Earlier in the week, a fight broke out, ok a brawl broke out between my daughter and son. I know, you pictured Norman Rockwell here in the Flip Side house. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I broke up the brawl only to have my daughter turn on her heel and tear after my son in a vengeance (much like Voldimort after Harry Potter). She attempted a Karate kid fence post kick which launched her slip on shoe hurdling into the air (yes, I am watching this in slow motion) straight into my, my, (my eyes grew like saucers and if I could have gotten on my knees fast enough to pray...) into my onyx pendant light over my granite counter top.
Literally, as if in slow motion, in unison, I, with my head in my hands and the pendant fell toward earth in silence. I knew what was next. Then the shattering sound of rock hitting rock penetrated the air as muffled shrieks from within my hands followed and then silence.
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Exhibit A in front and Exhibit B in the back |
"Sorry mommy?" A questionable sorry as if she knew the padded wagon was coming for her mother and it was all her fault.
Skip forward to yesterday (two days later)...
Long and short of it. My son, a big ball, the knowledge that blasting it around the house was unacceptable and the one big, ceiling high bounce that once again happened in slow motion so I could witness it all (but not slow enough to get on my knees and pray). I watched this giant green ball ricochet off my..."NO!"... my, "Please God, NOOO!" ( I know, not worth the prayer), my other Onyx pendant light.
Rock hitting rock (now a familiar sound). Afraid to look.
I nearly fainted in disbelief. My son nearly did too, like those fainting goats to avoid ensuing danger.
Those lights have been up since 2008 and in one week, two of them kissed granite. I admit it. I cried. Shallow. Material. "How can this happen to me" cry. Then, I came to my senses and realized that it's no big deal really. There are worse things that can happen.
Something good came of it. All three of my kids helped me clean the entire house as a consequence. I mean really clean (to avoid the wrath of mom). This week my husband's word for them was "Accountable". I held them accountable for their actions. Their actions of anger toward each other and disrespect toward rules and others hurt innocent people around them. Ohh, and those poor Onyx pendants. Sniff.
They had to do some work and my son was grounded from his friend coming over (even though his friend was on his way over-embarrassing for both of us). I am usually a softy. But not when I can get my house clean. We all actually enjoyed working together. My oldest actually said he liked it. Amen.
Accountable: be responsible for actions or decisions;
Where are you reading from? Let me know and I'll check it out!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
On the 7th day before Christmas...
Today, I was trying to think of a way to spread some Christmas cheer so on my way to the post office, I stopped at a florist and bought some flowers to give to the postal worker that helps me today. The lady at the florist was going to re-wrap the flowers and I stopped her because they were in a nice Christmas plastic and I told her what I was doing with them. She and another customer loved the idea. I wasn't telling them for recognition but so maybe they might decide to RACK someone too. It also made them feel warm and fuzzy too to know that I was doing it Just Because (like my book).
I was actually a little nervous standing in line at the post office. It was clear that the people in the long line were wondering what the flowers were for but no one asked. Inside, I am still a very shy person so it made me nervous to do it which is silly. She smiled and said thank you. I think she was a little taken aback. As we finished, she thanked me again and seemed very grateful.
You've been RACK'd! Random Acts of Christmas Kindness!
Feel free to share this post starting today to spread holiday kindness
for the 12 days before Christmas.
PLEASE share with me what kindness you've spread each day
here on the Flip Side. Give people ideas big or small.
I want to hear about the nice things you are doing. Post ideas for others. Let's spread the cheer!
On the 7th day before Christmas, I spread some holiday cheer by...
buying flowers for a postal worker at the post office and gave it to them when I sent a Christmas package to my brother-in-law.
On the 8th day before Christmas, we were given some holiday cheer by....being unexpectedly invited to see Santa even though there were no more appointments available for the day, being given Christmas pins by an little old man in church this morning and being given a Santa coin so my daughter could get a little toy she wanted.
On the 9th day before Christmas, I spread some holiday cheer by....
having 4 glasses of wine while spending a great evening at a holiday party with great friends.
On the 10th day before Christmas, I spread some holiday cheer by....
sending 3 gifts in for my children's teachers to thank them for their hard work.
On the 11th day before Christmas, I spread some holiday cheer by...
taking the time to call a couple of friends I haven't talked to in a while and wish them a Merry Christmas
On the 12th day before Christmas, I spread some holiday cheer by...
writing a love note to my kids on the mirror saying Merry Christmas and how much we love them.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Gift of Hope
A Letter from an Appreciative Family
Sometimes we wonder if our good deeds, our donations or our if our outreach are really enough or if we are really helping. This holiday season, Building Bridges adopted out 22 families who are in need. Our volunteers bought gifts for each family and wrapped each and every one as if it were their own family.
Imagine the feeling that you might not be able to make Christmas magical for your children this year by granting their gift wishes and have your child ask why Santa isn't coming to their house this season. We all know the true meaning of Christmas but for an innocent child, it is still a time when wishes come true.
Here is a letter from a very appreciative recipient of gifts this season. This is what drives me to help these families. This one family represents the many we have helped over the years and this season.
Dear Mrs.S,
First of all, I want to say thank you so much for choosing our family to be adopted this Holiday season! The words "thank you" seem so small in comparison to the joy that you and the Building Bridges organization have given my family.
Yesterday, when I returned home, I was not expecting to see such a huge show of generosity, it brought tears to my eyes. I want you to know that you all are such a blessing. We had no idea how we were going to provide a special Christmas this year, as you know, things are very financially tight and have been for the last 3 Christmas'.
Even when I received the letter that our family had been chosen to be adopted, I had no clue that it would be such a grand gesture. I don't mean to sound cliche, but you all have embodied the true spirit of Christmas. I am still baffled at the love and consideration given to our family by complete strangers. I cannot wait for the girls to open their gifts on Christmas morning, they will be so excited!
Again, Thank you so much for making this Christmas a great one! I hope to be able to return the favor some day soon.
With much thanks and appreciation,
Even the smallest gesture of giving can be huge for someone who is in need. Thank you to the many who supported Building Bridges efforts this year. Give this season.
Monday, December 12, 2011
A, B, C, Diversity
Today I was honored with the privilege to judge an arts Reflection contest for the school district I used to work for. They asked me to judge the literature portion of it. I was looking forward to it but also wondering if I was qualified enough to do it.
When I got there, I realized the judging criteria was minimal and I felt confident that I was actually qualified to do this. Though, when faced with such minimal judging criteria, I was apprehensive that if I were too critical (with only 3 categories) I would dash someone's dreams of being a writer. That's what editors are for. Right?
The theme was Diversity means.... How appropriate for Flip Side Stories. I was excited to see what the children K-12 grade would write and they did not disappoint.
The kids were insightful and creative. A couple of them brought some real emotion in me. I was impressed by their thoughts. So much so that I asked if I could get their permission to post their writings on my website. I will be contacting them to share their works.
I have started another blog called "Kids on the Flip Side." I want it to be a venue where kids (and adults-appropriately) can share and inspire each other. I also want kids to share their art and writings related (even in the slightest way) to FLip Side. If your child draws or writes something inspiring to others, please share it. I will post it there. If there is a story that you want to share about sharing, caring, bullying, acts of kindness or anything related, please share them with me and I will post them for everyone to see. Let it be a place for your kids to express themselves or for you to shamelessly promote their talents. You never know who will read it or who it will help. Though I am not quite sure how to connect kids to it without your help.
Here is the link: Kids on the Flip Side
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Bella Scarpe
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Every shoe has tongue,
They all have a sole.
Every shoe has a heart
And a story to be told.
No matter what they look like
Whether old or new,
They are all quite different
Every single shoe.
Take the time to learn
What they have to say.
A whole different person.
Will be revealed today.
Her laughter contagious.
Her style next to none.
She has a drive that got her here
She surely isn't done.
Her birthday is the same as mine, August 17th. She's a teeny bit younger.
She is a force both on-camera and off but her remarkable success didn’t come easily. She is a true result of “The American Dream” and an inspiration to people, both young and old.
She was born in Naples, Italy, in an impoverished neighborhood, and moved to the United States when she was a little girl. She was only fluent in Italian. Her love affair with television journalism began before she could even speak English – her parents couldn’t afford a tutor, so she learned the language by watching TV.
After high school, she attended the University of Maryland, where she received a B.A. in Journalism. She earned her Master’s degree in Journalism from the American University in D.C. While in attendance, she worked for a capital hill news bureau covering a number of stories related to the Pentagon, Supreme Court, White House and State Department.Some of her charity work includes Operation Smile, Dress For Success, Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago and the Children’s Miracle Networks.
She now appears on tv and has multiple published books and is married to a successful businessman. They are hoping children are in their near future.
She is going through one of the toughest times in her life right now. She is having a double mastectomy to remove cancer. She sees the flip side,
"Listen, I love my girls [but] I'm gonna feel more like a woman when this is all done," she said. "I think scars are beautiful. I think scars tell a story."
"They might come out looking even hotter," she joked. "You gotta have fun with this. We find the humor in everything."