Friday, September 21, 2012

Rah, Rah for Science!

Every shoe has tongue,

They all have a sole.
And a story to be told.

No matter what they look like
Whether old or new,
They are all quite different
Every single shoe.

Take the time to learn
What they have to say.
A whole different person.
Will be revealed today.

They hold Major Degrees
In fields that surprise.
We assume they could never be
Wearing their girlie guise.

They are scientists and engineers. When they’re not  in the lab, they perform science-themed routines, lead science activities, inspire children to consider science careers, and playfully challenge stereotypes.
They are speech pathologists and endoscopists, aerospace engineers, molecular biologists, doctors, and neuro-scientists.
They are funny, smart and engaging. They are great role-models for breaking molds and making being smart "cool". 
Were you as surprised? I thought it was great. Teaches us not to judge a book by its cover. 

Watch here via @Today 

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