Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In Honor of Jack

Today, I learned something very sad. The homeless man that caught my attention for a couple of years passed away. I learned that he actually lived right by my house. I had been hoping to run into him by the shopping mall so I could offer to buy him some warmer clothes. Last winter I was very upset to see him without socks. My husband did not want me to approach him especially with the kids in the car. This was so hard for me but I understood his concern. I was hoping to run into him with people around. It never happened. Even today, I went to Target and kept my eyes open for him. When I got home, I got the news via Facebook post of an article about him. I was very upset. Jack Mason was the person who inspired me the day I met Victor the homeless man at the Library that I wrote a Flip Side Story about. I bought Victor some food that day thinking, if I can't help the other man, I can help Victor. I felt comfort in that but continued looking for Jack.  In the article, its seems many people have helped him over the years but many times he gave away the donations to his fellow homeless. Here is his article:
Homeless Bloomfield Hill Man

I would also like to share my story Victor with you in honor of Jack. Mind you, it has not been edited professionally.



Saturday, January 22, 2011

Flip Side has a Face

Well my friends, I finally decided to give Flip Side Stories a face. I launched on facebook, shared with everyone, took a deep breath and hoped it would take off. In a day and half, Flip Side Stories has 81 fans. Thank you for your support. I hope everyone begins to really understand what my goal is as I start sharing and feel a need to share it with everyone they know. Anyone who is involved with children will see the importance and value it has. Your children will learn about empathy for others and respecting different points of view. While I am teaching children through my books, the adults who are reading them will be inspired by the messages they are reading about.
Even though I have a passion for "looking at the Flip Side", I still struggle with it. I want to share those experiences an I hope you will too.

Please take time to read my past posts which take you through the publishing process.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Homeless with a Voice

Another story hit me today. There was a homeless who carried a sign that said that he was down on his luck but he had a God given gift of voice. When this man opened his mouth, it was astounding. He was discovered and now he has been given a chance to share his voice with everyone. I wrote story about Victor, a homeless man I met at the library. I wanted to also give him a voice. He is a human being who is just down on his luck. We all don't have the same opportunities nor do we always make the right decisions or choices but everyone deserves love and respect. We can even help if possible. This homeless man's gift gave him a voice. He had to find the right person to listen.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, it has been a long while since I have posted. Since my last posting, we had Thanksgiving, Building Bridges Holiday gifting program that I lead and Christmas. All of which were great.  All the while, the book is still in progress. I am waiting patiently and excitedly. I get little tidbits of the illustrations which satisfy my anxiousness for a while. Denise is doing a fabulous job. The illustrations are beautiful. I think she will steal the show with her talent. I am great with that of course. She will be done within the next month or so.

It is quite a process publishing a book. I would have never thought.  It has been over a year since I had my first meeting with Nelson Publishing. Patience is the key. Now that I have been through it, I have a much better understanding of what it takes and how loooonnnng it takes. I have a lifetime to share all of my stories with you. I look forward to it.

Meanwhile I have been working on my website. I tell you, I have redone it, literally, 6 times and I am in the process of revamping and fine tuning it again. it is crazy. It is consuming. It is fun. I am not perfect and my website will be the best it can be. I mean no harm, only good. Hopefully everyone understands that and appreciates my need to share my hope and dream to make the world a little better place.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.